Monthly Archives: March 2022

I Don`t Have a Written Tenancy Agreement

As a tenant, not having a written tenancy agreement can be a cause for concern. A written tenancy agreement provides a legal framework for both the landlord and the tenant, outlining their rights and obligations. However, not having a written tenancy agreement does not mean you have no protection under the law. If you […]

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Contract Drafting Course for Lawyers

If you`re a lawyer, you know that contract drafting is a crucial part of your job. A well-drafted contract can protect your client`s interests and prevent legal disputes. However, poorly drafted contracts can lead to costly litigation and damage to your clients` reputation. To avoid these pitfalls, many lawyers are turning to contract drafting […]

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Good Friday Agreement Youtube

The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, is a historic peace agreement signed in 1998 that ended decades of conflict in Northern Ireland. It brought an end to the Troubles, a period of violence and political turmoil that claimed thousands of lives. Today, the Good Friday Agreement is widely regarded as […]

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Commercial Lease Agreements Covid

Commercial Lease Agreements During COVID: What You Need to Know The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of changes in our personal and professional lives. One of the areas that has been significantly impacted is the commercial real estate industry. As a business owner, it`s essential to understand how the pandemic has affected […]

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