Monthly Archives: April 2022

Definition of Service Level Agreement in Computers

Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an important term in the field of computers and information technology. It is a formal agreement between a service provider and their client, which defines the level of service to be provided, ensuring the satisfaction of the client`s requirements and expectations. An SLA is used to establish a clear […]

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Interlining Agreement Gst

An interlining agreement under GST refers to an agreement between two or more airlines, where a passenger travels on two or more airlines with a single ticket and baggage check-in. The interlining agreement under GST has brought significant changes to airlines` operations, passenger experience, and revenue management. Before the implementation of GST, airlines had […]

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Which One Is Not an International Agreement Related to Environment Protection Mcq

Multiple Choice Question: Which one is not an international agreement related to environment protection? A) Paris Agreement B) Kyoto Protocol C) Montreal Protocol D) NATO Agreement Answer: D) NATO Agreement Explanation: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an intergovernmental military alliance, not an international agreement related to environmental protection. The Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, […]

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Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet (Fill-In Part 1)

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of proper grammar, and it is crucial that writers demonstrate this knowledge in their writing. A simple mistake in subject-verb agreement can cause confusion and disrupt the flow of a sentence. That`s why every writer should have a good understanding of subject-verb agreement rules and the ability to […]

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